Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (2024)

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This homemade bean soup is delicious, hearty, and healthy. It is simple, easy to prepare, and can be made in just 45 minutes. Whether you’re in the mood for something hearty and comforting or healthy and flavorful, this recipe is the perfect mix of both.

Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (1)

Beans are a versatile and nutritious ingredient that has been a staple in cuisines around the world for centuries. From the humble black bean to the hearty kidney bean, there are countless varieties to choose from, each offering its own unique flavor and texture. But what exactly are beans?

Table of Contents

What are beans?

At their core, beans are edible seeds that come from various plants in the legume family. They are packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Thus, making them an excellent choice for a healthy and satisfying meal. Not only are beans a great source of plant-based protein, but they also have a low glycemic index. This means they provide a slow and steady release of energy, keeping you feeling full and satisfied for longer.

  • One of the reasons beans are such a popular ingredient in soups is their ability to absorb and enhance flavors. When cooked properly, beans have a delightful creamy texture that can seamlessly blend with other ingredients to create a harmonious flavor profile. Whether you’re looking to add a rich and earthy taste or a subtle sweetness to your soup, beans are the perfect canvas for a myriad of flavors.
  • In addition to their versatility, beans are also incredibly budget-friendly. They are accessible and affordable. Thus, making them a go-to ingredient for anyone looking to create delicious meals on a budget. Also, beans can easily be purchased in dried form, allowing you to stock up and have them on hand whenever inspiration strikes.

Why is this bean soup the best recipe

  • Beans are nutritional powerhouses, packed with protein, fiber, and an array of essential vitamins and minerals. This means that not only will our bean soup satisfy your taste buds, but it will also provide a hearty and wholesome meal that nourishes your body. Whether you’re a vegetarian looking for a protein-packed option or simply aiming to incorporate more nutritious ingredients into your diet, this bean soup delivers on all fronts.
  • In addition to their versatility, beans have the remarkable ability to absorb and take on the flavors of the ingredients they’re cooked with. This quality makes them an excellent canvas for a wide range of herbs, spices, and seasonings. Our recipe takes advantage of this by combining a medley of aromatic vegetables, savory herbs, and a hint of heat to create a symphony of flavors that will dance on your palate. With each spoonful, you’ll experience a harmonious blend of tastes that will keep you coming back for more.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (2)

Ingredients and substitutes

Beans are undoubtedly the star ingredient of our bean soup recipe. But it’s worth exploring the other key players that will take your soup from good to extraordinary. While our recipe calls for specific ingredients, keep in mind that you can always experiment and substitute based on your personal taste or dietary preferences.

  • First and foremost, let’s talk about the beans themselves. Canned beans are a great alternative if you’re short on time or simply prefer the ease of using pre-cooked beans. White beans, such as cannellini or navy beans, bring a creamy texture to the soup, while red kidney beans add a slightly meaty and robust element. And don’t be afraid to mix and match different varieties for a truly unique and flavorful experience. Of course, time permitting, feel free to use dried beans making sure to soak them overnight and precook them before making the soup.
  • The aromatic vegetables in our recipe—onions, carrots, and garlic—all contribute their distinct flavors to the soup base. However, feel free to experiment with other vegetables you might have on hand such as celery, bell peppers, or even leeks. These additions can add depth and complexity to the overall taste profile of your bean soup.
  • To give the soup a rich and savory foundation, we recommend using vegetable or chicken broth. However, if you prefer a heartier flavor, you can substitute it with beef broth or a combination of both. The broth acts as the canvas for all the other flavors to shine, so choose one that complements your taste preferences.
  • For a touch of brightness, our recipe calls for tomato paste, but you can also use diced tomato for a chunkier texture.
  • Additionally, herbs like thyme, bay leaves, and parsley bring the soup a refreshing and aromatic quality. However, if you don’t have these, you can use dried herbs or experiment with other fresh herbs like rosemary or basil.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (3)

Bean soup recipe

  • First and foremost, gather your ingredients: canned white beans and red beans, diced tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, vegetable broth, olive oil, thyme, bay leaves, parsley, salt, and pepper. Everything within reach will streamline the cooking process and ensure a seamless experience.
  • Next, it’s time to prepare the vegetables. Begin by dicing the onions, mincing the garlic, and cutting the carrots and celery into small, uniform pieces. This consistent size will enhance the visual appeal of your soup and ensure even cooking and balanced flavors.
  • Once the prep work is complete, heat a splash of olive oil in a large soup pot over medium heat. Add the diced onions, minced garlic, and bay leaves, sautéing until they become translucent and fragrant. This step releases their natural sweetness and infuses the entire soup with a rich aroma.
  • Now, it’s time to add the diced carrots and celery to the pot. Sauté them for a few minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together and the vegetables to soften slightly. This creates a delicious base for our bean soup.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (4)
  • Next, add the tomato paste and spices and sauté another minute. This will help the spices release their aromatic flavor into the soup.
  • Now, add in the white beans, red beans, and broth. Give everything a good stir, ensuring all the ingredients are well combined. Be sure to scrape the bottom of the pot to release any delicious bits that may have stuck during the cooking process.
  • Add the chopped parsley and season the soup with salt and pepper. The combination of these herbs like parsley and bay leaves will provide a delightful earthiness and depth of flavor to our bean soup.
  • Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and let it gently simmer for about 20 to 25 minutes. This simmering time allows the flavors to meld together and develop into a harmonious blend. Stir occasionally to prevent any sticking and to ensure everything is cooking evenly.
  • Mash a few beans on the wooden spoon during cooking. This will thicken the broth and add a creamy texture to the soup.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (5)
  • After the simmering time has elapsed, you can remove the pot from the heat and discard the bay leaves. You can taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper, adding a little at a time and tasting as you go. Remember, adding more seasoning than taking it away is always easier, so start with a conservative amount and gradually build to your desired flavor profile.
  • With the final seasoning complete, your bean soup is now ready to be ladled into bowls and enjoyed. Serve it hot, garnished with a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley for an added burst of freshness.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (6)

Selecting the best beans

  • First and foremost, consider the freshness of the beans. Opt for relatively new beans, as older beans tend to lose their flavor and may take longer to cook. Look for plump beans with a smooth and unblemished surface. Avoid beans that appear wrinkled or have broken skin; these are signs of age and potential quality deterioration.
  • Another aspect to consider is the type of bean. While many bean varieties are available, certain types are better suited for soups. Common choices for a classic bean soup include navy beans, pinto beans, and cannellini beans. These beans have a creamy texture and mild flavor that pairs well with various ingredients. However, feel free to experiment with different bean varieties to create unique flavor profiles in your soup.
  • Next, take into account the source of the beans. Look for reputable brands or local suppliers that prioritize quality. Beans sourced from organic or sustainable farms often undergo more stringent quality control processes, ensuring a superior product. Additionally, consider purchasing beans from bulk bins where turnover is high, as this increases the likelihood of freshness.
  • Lastly, examine the condition of the beans. Check for any signs of damage, such as insect infestation or mold, as these can affect both taste and safety. Inspect the packaging for any visible tears or holes that could allow moisture or contaminants to enter. If buying from bulk bins, pay attention to the cleanliness and overall appearance of the beans.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (7)

How to precook your beans

Time permitting, it’s worth considering the option of precooking your beans. By taking this extra step, you can ensure complete control over the quality and flavor of your food. Plus, it allows for more flexibility in terms of seasoning and texture. So, if you’re willing to invest extra time and effort, here’s how to precook your beans.

  • Start by choosing the type of beans that best suits your taste preferences and the specific recipe you will be making. The most commonly used beans for soup are kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, and pinto beans. Whichever variety you choose, opt for high-quality dried beans to guarantee better results.
  • Before cooking, it’s important to sort and rinse the beans thoroughly. Spread them out on a light-colored surface and remove any shriveled or discolored beans and any small stones or debris that might have made their way into the package. Then, rinse the beans under cold running water to remove any dust or dirt.
  • Next, you have two options for soaking the beans: overnight or quick. For the overnight method, place the beans in a large bowl or pot and cover them with enough cold water to allow for expansion. Soak them for at least 8 hours or overnight. Alternatively, you can use the quick soaking method if you’re short on time. Place the beans in a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Boil them for 2 minutes, remove from heat, and let them sit for an hour.
  • After soaking, drain and rinse the beans one more time. This step helps remove any compounds that might cause gas or digestive discomfort. Once rinsed, transfer the beans to a large pot, cover with fresh water or broth, and boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer gently until the beans are tender but not mushy. Cooking times can vary depending on the type and size of the beans, so it’s essential to check for doneness periodically.
  • Once the beans are cooked, drain them and rinse under cold water to halt the cooking process. At this point, your precooked beans are ready to be used in your bean soup recipe. Add them to the flavorful broth and let them simmer together to infuse the soup with delicious flavors further. The result will be a soup that wows your taste buds and showcases your dedication to homemade goodness.

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Tips for making bean soup

  • We have used white and red beans today, but almost any of your favorite varieties of beans would work in this recipe. Make sure they are precooked before you add them to the soup.
  • Give the veggies time to sauté and sweat. A little caramelization will enhance the soup’s flavor, so don’t make haste cooking the veggies.
  • For a thicker soup, you can take out about a cup of the soup (making sure to get some beans) and blend it until smooth before stirring it back into the pot. As shown in the video, I prefer to mash a few on a wooden spoon with a fork.
  • While bay leaves and parsley are great to bring out the earthy flavor of the beans, you can add other herbs, such as thyme or rosemary, to enhance the flavor.
  • Feel free to adjust the amount of spices according to your taste preferences. Add a dash of cayenne pepper if you like a bit of heat.
  • For a richer flavor you might even consider adding a little parmesan cheese at the end.
  • While leaving the beans whole makes for a wholesome soup, you can blend the soup with an emersion blender to make a smooth velvet texture soup. Kids love blended soups very much. Remember to remove the bay leaves before blending.
  • This soup pairs wonderfully with a slice of crusty bread or a side salad.
Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (12)

Creative ways to serve bean soup

  • Adding toppings and garnishes is one way to elevate your bean soup experience. Consider adding a dollop of sour cream or Greek yogurt to each bowl, adding a creamy tanginess to the soup. For a burst of freshness, sprinkle some finely chopped herbs like cilantro, parsley, or basil on top. The herbs add a pop of color and provide a bright flavor that complements the soup’s richness. If you’re feeling adventurous, add some crispy crumbled bacon or homemade croutons for added texture and flavor.
  • Another way to jazz up your bean soup is by serving it with complementary bread. A warm, crusty baguette can be sliced into thin pieces and toasted until golden brown. These crispy bread slices can then be used to scoop up the soup, creating a delightful combination of soft and crunchy textures. Alternatively, you can serve the soup with cornbread muffins, adding a slightly sweet buttery element to the meal.
  • Consider serving your bean soup in small individual bread bowls for a visually appealing presentation. Hollow out individual bread rolls, ensuring they have sturdy walls and a base to hold the soup. Ladle the piping hot bean soup into the bread bowls and garnish with fresh herbs or grated cheese. Not only does this method add an element of surprise, but it also eliminates the need for separate bowls and enhances the overall dining experience.
  • Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup – No Soak
  • Chicken Pot Pie Soup
  • Recipe for Sweet Potato Soup
  • Black Beans Coconut Curry (Vegan)
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Frequently asked questions

Can I make bean soup in advance?

Absolutely! Bean soup is one of those dishes that often tastes even better the next day. The flavors have time to meld together, resulting in a richer and more flavorful soup. Prepare the soup according to the recipe and let it cool completely before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to serve, gently reheat the soup on the stovetop, adding a little extra broth to adjust the consistency.

Can I freeze bean soup?

Yes, you can freeze bean soup. It’s a convenient option for meal prep or for making larger batches. Once again, let the soup cool completely before transferring it to airtight containers or freezer bags. Leave some room at the top for expansion, as the soup will expand as it freezes. When you’re ready to enjoy it, thaw the soup overnight in the refrigerator and reheat it gently on the stovetop.

Can I customize the flavors in bean soup?

Absolutely! Bean soup is incredibly versatile and can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Experiment with different herbs, spices, and seasonings to add depth and complexity to your soup. For example, add smoked paprika, cumin, or chili powder for a smoky or spicy kick. Feel free to get creative and make the recipe your own.

Can I substitute different types of beans?

Certainly! While many bean soup recipes call for specific types of beans, you can use different varieties based on your preference. Cannellini beans, navy beans, black beans, or even a mix of other beans can all work well in bean soup. Remember that different beans have varying cooking times, so you may need to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

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Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (21)

Bean Soup Recipe

Author: Veena Azmanov

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Prep Time: 15 minutes mins

Cook Time: 25 minutes mins

Total Time: 40 minutes mins

Calories: 182kcal

Adjust Servings Here: 6 servings


This homemade bean soup is delicious, hearty, and healthy. Simple and easy to prepare and can be made in just 45 minutes. Whether you're in the mood for something hearty and comforting or healthy and flavorful, this recipe is the perfect mix of both.



  • 15 oz (425 g) Canned white beans (rinsed and drained)
  • 15 oz (425 g) Canned red beans (rinsed and drained)
  • 2 large Garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 large Onion (diced)
  • 2 stalks Celery (diced)
  • 2 large Carrots (diced)
  • 2 large Bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp Tomato paste
  • 1 tsp Ground cumin
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 4 cups (1 l) Broth ((vegetable or chicken))
  • ½ cup Fresh parsley (chopped for garnish)
  • ½ tsp Kosher salt (to taste)
  • ½ tsp Black pepper powder
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil

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  • Prepare – Start by preparing your vegetables. Dice the onions, celery, and carrots finely. Mince the garlic and set aside.

  • Sauté – Add olive oil to a large pot over medium heat. Sauté the onions, carrots, and celery. Cook for 5-7 minutes until the vegetables are softened and the onions translucent. Add the minced garlic, bay leaves, tomato paste, and spices and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.

    2 large Garlic cloves, 1 large Onion, 2 stalks Celery, 2 large Carrots, 2 large Bay leaves, 2 tbsp Tomato paste, 1 tsp Ground cumin, 1 tsp Paprika, 2 tbsp Olive oil

  • Beans and Broth – Add the red and white beans and broth to the pot. Stir everything well to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Add the parsley and mix well.

    15 oz Canned white beans, 15 oz Canned red beans, 4 cups Broth, ½ cup Fresh parsley, ½ tsp Kosher salt, ½ tsp Black pepper powder

  • Simmer – Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 20-25 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld and the vegetables to become tender.

  • Mash – After the soup has simmered, mash a few beans and add them back to the soup. This will thicken the soup. Taste and adjust seasoning.

  • Serve: Serve the soup in individual bowls, garnished with a sprinkling of fresh chopped parsley on top.

Recipe Notes & Tips

    • We have used white and red beans today, but almost any of your favorite varieties of beans would work in this recipe. Make sure they are precooked before you add them to the soup.
    • Give the veggies time to sauté and sweat. A little caramelization will enhance the soup’s flavor, so don’t make haste cooking the veggies.
    • For a thicker soup, you can take out about a cup of the soup (making sure to get some beans) and blend it until smooth before stirring it back into the pot. I prefer to mash a few on a wooden spoon with a fork as shown in the video.
    • While bay leaves and parsley are great to bring out the earthy flavor of the beans, you can add other herbs, such as thyme or rosemary, to enhance the flavor.
    • Feel free to adjust the amount of spices according to your taste preferences. Add a dash of cayenne pepper if you like a bit of heat.
    • For a richer flavor you might even consider adding a little parmesan cheese at the end.
    • While leaving the beans whole makes for a wholesome soup, you can blend the soup with an emersion blender to make a smooth velvet texture soup. Kids love blended soups very much. Don’t forget to remove the bay leaves before blending.
    • This soup pairs wonderfully with a slice of crusty bread or a side salad.

Conversions Used

1 lb = 453 grams, 1 cup = 240 ml, 1 stick = 113g, 1 tbsp= 15 ml, 1 tsp= 5 ml,

Nutrition Information

Nutrition Facts

Bean Soup Recipe

Amount per Serving



% Daily Value*






Polyunsaturated Fat



Monounsaturated Fat

































Vitamin A





Vitamin C















* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

The nutrition information and metric conversion are calculated automatically. I cannot guarantee its accuracy. If this data is important to you please verify with your trusted nutrition calculator. Thank you

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Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (23)

Veena Azmanov

Veena is an experienced food and cake decorating blogger, with over a decade of experience. Across her three blogs, Veena Azmanov, Cake Decorating Tutorials, and East Indian Recipes, she provides readers with delicious, easy and practical recipes that feature instructional videos and tutorials. As an expert in her field, Veena has even been featured in countless online magazines and publications worldwide. Plus, she offers free online masterclasses to guide novice cooks and bakers to success! Stay connected with her on your favorite social media as well.

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  1. Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (30)
    Wow! A homemade bean soup will delight everyone! It looks amazingly delicious! Plus the creamy sauce makes it so enticing! A perfect treat for such cold weather upon us!


  2. Love this bean soup! Just made it a while ago and it was so worth it!


  3. Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (31)
    What a fantastic recipe just in time for soup season! I can’t wait to try this, easy and comforting.


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Easy Bean Soup - Wholesome, Nutritious, and Yum! (2024)


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Panera recently removed Black Bean Soup from their menu, saying it was a seasonal item. I think everyone can agree that Black Bean Soup is an Autumn Soup if anything, and its departure from the chain has impacted many.

How healthy is bean soup? ›

Beans are an excellent source of nutrients and offer numerous health benefits. They're a great of plant-based protein, fiber, iron and antioxidants. Eating beans on a regular basis can help in maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting your gut health.

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Milk or Half-and-Half: This is the other magical ingredient that turns your homemade chicken noodle soup into the creamiest soup ever. Use 1 cup of whole milk or 1 cup of half-and-half.

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The TikTok user alleged that items soon to disappear from the Panera menu include the Bistro French Onion Soup, Ten Vegetable Soup, all cold brew drinks, all grain bowls, and several bakery items, including the blueberry scone, butter croissant, and kitchen sink cookie.

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Blount Fine Foods, formerly Blount Seafood, is a prepared foods and soup manufacturer that produces wholesale frozen and fresh soups under the Blount brand as well as Panera Bread and Legal Sea Foods. Blount Fine Foods is headquartered in Fall River, Massachusetts with a production facility in Warren, Rhode Island.

What if my bean soup needs more flavor? ›

A few great choices are thyme, bay leaf, parsley, and rosemary. 4. Try adding some acidity. A splash of lemon juice or a tablespoon of white wine vinegar can brighten the flavors of the soup.

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Consider using methods like making a roux, blending beans or legumes, using bread, adding egg yolk, pureeing vegetables, incorporating heavy cream or coconut milk, adding potato flakes or starch, or making a slurry with cornstarch or arrowroot to thicken soups without sacrificing flavor or texture.

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Sometimes soup just needs to simmer longer to reach the perfect consistency. Check to see if the vegetables are tender, and then taste the broth. If the soup tastes a bit watery, give it more time.

Can you eat bean soup everyday? ›

Absolutely, bean soup can be a fantastic addition to your daily diet, but like everything, it should be consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Rich in Fiber: Beans are a stellar source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

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The bottom line is that beans should be a staple in your diet, especially if you have diabetes. A study published in the journal JAMA found that eating more beans, lentils, and other legumes helped people with type 2 diabetes gain better glycemic control and lower their risk of heart disease.

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Keep in mind that this evaporated milk will make your dish taste richer, but it won't actually thicken the soup. You can always use a bit of flour or cornstarch if you're missing that added texture. Otherwise, you'll find evaporated milk the best dairy addition for your classic slow cooker favorites.

Does sour cream make soup creamy? ›

Yes. In fact, a dollop of sour cream in beef vegetable and tomato vegetable soups can work wonders. If you like sour cream, try Lebne yogurt.

What makes soup more creamy? ›

Add Cream: Let's get the obvious one out of the way.

Whether you use a few tablespoons or a few cups, cream gives soup a silky mouthfeel and rich flavor. You can definitely add milk or other dairy as well, though it will taste gradually less creamy as you go down in percent.

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Company Announcement. Faribault Foods, Inc. is voluntarily recalling 15 ounce cans of S&W Organic Black Beans, 15 ounce cans of O Organic Brand Black Beans and 15 ounce cans of O Organic Brand Chili Beans because the cans may have a compromised hermetic seal.

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