Green Goblin (Classic) Trials | Marvel Church (2024)



Green Goblin (Classic) is a new Legendary character, and his unlocking method will be through Trials, similar to how it was with Nova and Black Cat. All Trials in their essence are modified Scourge Events, so the structure should be familiar to us all.

There are Pacts (same as Scourges in Horsem*n’s events), that can alter the flow of battles either to your benefit or detriment. All Pacts have point modifiers that depend on the difficulty of the Pact, and by having more Pacts active you can increase your final Run Score.

The core of the Event will be the same. We will have 10 Difficulties for all ranges of player progression. All players who are level 50+ can participate in Green Goblin (Classic) Trials. And you can quit each node and try again until you reach the desired result.

Green Goblin (Cassic) Trials and all the other Trials are now on a repeating schedule where they will be live every two weeks and will run for 5 days. This stability provides everyone with a good opportunity to plan ahead and get the rewards they aim for.



Alongside the new schedule, there is also a new reward system. There are no longer any leaderboards where you can get bonus shards, now everything is centered around Milestones.

Here’s how the Milestones are separated in terms of Shards and Star Ranks:

  • Milestone 3 (500,000 Points) = 3-Star Unlock
    • Milestone 4 (600,000 Pts) = 1 Red Star unlock
  • Milestone 5 (700,000 Pts) = 4-Star upgrade
    • Milestone 6 (800,000 Pts) = 2 Red Stars upgrade
  • Milestone 7 (900,000 Pts) = 5-Star upgrade
    • Milestone 8 (950,000 Pts) = 3 Red Stars upgrade
  • Milestone 9 (1,000,000 Pts) = 6-Star upgrade
    • Milestone 10 (1,150,000 Pts) = 4 Red Star upgrade
  • Milestone 12 (1,400,000 Pts) = 7-Star upgrade



  • Node 1 – No restrictions on all difficulties
  • Nodes 2/6/10 Difficulties 5-7 – New Avengers or Rebirth
    • Difficulties 8+
    • Node 2 – Rebirth, Node 6 – New Avengers, Node 10 – Rebirth and/or New Avengers
  • Nodes 3/7 – (Diff 5+) City Villain
  • Nodes 4/8 – (Diff 5+) Global Blaster
  • Nodes 5/9 – (Diff 5+) Tech

Required teams for nodes 2, 6, and 10 for Difficulties 5 and above are New Avengers or Rebirth. And if we are planning to do Difficulties 8 and above, we will need both teams (New Avengers AND Rebirth – 10 characters in total).


Difficulty 1 doesn’t have any restrictions on all nodes, and Difficulty 2 only has restrictions for the last 4 nodes (Node 7 – City / Node 8 – Blaster / Node 9 – Tech / Node 10 – Hero).

Difficulty 3 has no restrictions on nodes 1 and 2. The other nodes (Node 3 and 7 – City / Node 4 and 8 – Blaster / Node 5 and 9 – Tech / Node 6 and 10 – Hero).

Difficulty 4 has no restrictions on nodes 1. The other nodes (Node 3 and – City / Node 7 – City Villain / Node 4 and 8 – Blaster / Node 5 and 9 – Tech / Node 2, 6, and 10 – Hero).



  • EXPERIMENTAL SERUM II – Enemies gain +20% Max Health
  • EXPERIMENTAL SERUM III – Enemies gain +30% Max Health
  • SNAKE EYES – On Spawn, Player characters gain increased Critical Hit Chance, and Enemy Characters gain increased Critical Hit Damage
  • WORLD AT WAR – All War Abilities are Active during this Run
  • SCIENCE BROS – On Spawn, P.E.G.A.S.U.S. characters gain the New Avengers trait, and Hydra characters gain the Masters of Evil trait.
  • NEXT GENERATION – On Spawn, New Warrior characters gain the Rebirth Trait, and Young Avenger characters gain the Heroes for Hire trait.
  • SECOND WIND – When any character drops to 50% Health, they generate 2 Ability Energy for themself
  • WARP WORLD – When a Character drops to 50% Health, all their Enemies flip Negative Status Effects to Positive, and all their Allies flip their Positive Status Effects to Negative.
  • POWER DINAMICS – On turn start, characters remove all positive effects from self and heal 10% of Max Health for each positive effect removed.


As we expected, the key Pact is focused on War. Namely, the WORLD AT WAR Pact will make all War Abilities active during your Run. It will significantly affect some teams/characters we plan to use in Green Goblin (Classic) Trials. Most importantly, New Avengers and Sinister Six teams. Those are realistically some of the strongest teams in the game for War, and we will need them for several Nodes.

Certain characters like Mister Negative, Kingpin, Nobu, Green Goblin, Morbius – namely most of Underworld characters, will also get their War bonuses and be stronger.

WORLD AT WAR can also make our lives much more difficult because the enemies will have the same bonuses. However, we recommend this Pact to anyone who plans to get serious with Green Goblin (Classic) Trials since we gain more than we lose with this Pact.


SECOND WIND is a very interesting Pact that we can use to our advantage to fill Ability Energy much faster. Of course, we must also take into account the opponents. Everything that works for us will work for them too.

But at the same time, there is the WARP WORLD Pact, with which when any of the characters drops below 50% Health, all the positives change to negatives for their whole team. And vice versa for the opponents (negatives change to positives), so Ability Energy from SECOD WIND can help. However, you should not consciously go for it precisely because of the mentioned WARP WORLD Pact (if you include it).

EXPERIMENTAL SERUM II and III are simply health boosts to enemies, so if you find some nodes tricky or unbeatable, you can always turn those off.

SNAKE EYES and SCIENCE BROS – can cause some trouble depending on the characters that are present and can buff the enemy teams to some extent, but they are not that crucial and you should turn them on for a better score.

NEXT GENERATION – can be tricky precisely because the Heroes for Hire and Young Avengers teams are some of the strongest defensive War teams, and if Young Avengers gets Heroes for Hire Traits, it can buff them to the extent that they make some nodes much more difficult. In case we pick up the NEXT GENERATION Pact together with WORLD AT WAR Pact.


POWER DYNAMICScan be a very tricky Pact because all the control aspects of combat can fall flat. The ability to control the battle is Crucial so this Pact might prevent some players from doing higher difficulties and can be turned off if it interferes too much.

In conclusion, Traits that we can turn off to make Runs easier are:


Everything else we should include to enable the best possible score.

After completing the first run, the conclusion is that all Pacts can be turned on, except EXPERIMENTAL SERUM II and III (Difficulty 8). Not-so-strong characters/teams are used (850K New Avengers, 1.25M Rebirth).


Green Goblin (Classic) Trial Walkthrough and Video

You can view our Walkthrough of this Trial on YouTube by clicking the link. Below you can also find descriptions of strategies that were used to defeat each node.


To simplify things, we will provide node breakdowns for Difficulties 5 and above, since those are the difficulties you should aim for to comfortably get the unlock.

Node 1 (No requirements)

Since there are no requirements just use the strongest team/characters that you have. Because of the WORLD AT WAR Pact, Gamma or Knowhere teams are the best choice for node 1.


Knowhere will walk through the first node because they are powerful in War (1.28M Knowhere). At the start with Nova, use a Special on one of the Taskmasters and focus on Black Cat. When the second enemy wave comes, use Nova’s Ultimate, and combat will be over quickly after that.


Node 2 (Rebirth)

Suggested team: Rebirth if you are playing difficulty 8 or higher. Rebirth or New Avengers if you are playing difficulty 5 -7.


At the very beginning – if your Rebirth is not strong enough to withstand the initial Wakandan rush – node 2 can be impossible. If Captain Carter dies – restart. She can Revive others. So if someone else goes down it is okay to continue fighting and trying to bring back your allies. After that, focus on two Okoye and Shuri. Needless to say, play smart and use WARP WORLD to your advantage whenever you get the chance. When the last wave spawns, focus on Captain Marvel (Ability Block or nuke her).


Node 3 (City Villain)

Suggested team: Black Cat, Doctor Octopus, Lizard, Vulture, Green Goblin (Classic).

Alternatives: Kraven the Hunter, Spider-Slayer, Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Mister Negative, Kingpin, Carnage, Venom …


Node 3 can be annoying because of Web Warriors and their increased Dodge Chance. It is crucial to save Black Cat Ultimate. Over time, you will kill them all, and another wave of enemies will spawn. Keep your focus on the Tangled Web opponents. Because in the last wave, Spider Weaver, Black Cat, and Ghost Spider will appear, and you do not want Weaver with her teammates together. With Black Cat, use Ultimate on the opponent’s Black Cat. Vulture’s Ultimate will help rewind the opponent’s speed bar, giving you time to kill them before it’s their turn to play. Once you kill Black Cat and Spider Weaver, the rest is easy.

Node 4 (Global Blaster)

Suggested team: Archangel, Gambit, Cyclops, Sunspot, Darkhawk

While you could also use Winter Soldier or Agent Venom here, it’s best to save them for the Rebirth nodes, use them here only if you need to prepare their cooldowns.

Alternatives: Union Jack, Bucky Barnes, Iron Man, Deathlok, Sunfire, Fantomex …


Focus on Minerva at the very start – she will die easily because she has low Health, so after that, when the second wave opponent comes, take one of them down to half HP as soon as possible, so WARP WORLD flips all their buffs into debuffs. If you have a strong Gambit, his Passive will do most of the work. Focus on Sersi and Ebony Maw, then Star-Lord (Annihilation) because another one will come soon. Archangel Passive is also crucial because it will reduce the Speed ​​Bar of all remaining opponents when you kill someone, and he will also passively deal excellent damage. Ultron’s Minions are here to help and support the team with Speed and Offense Ups. It is not an overly complicated node if you play it smart.


Node 5 (Tech)

Suggested team: Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Mysterio, Shocker, Green Goblin (Classic)

It is wise to complete one 550K run and recruit Green Goblin (Classic). Then level, improve, and use him in Tech nodes on higher score runs. Thus, all older Sinister Six characters will have additional bonuses because of having 2 Superior Six characters on the team (with the WORLD AT WAR Pact active).

If you don’t want to or don’t have the resources to do it, then it’s best to choose one (or more) of the strongest Tech characters you own with the Sinister Six team, like Kestrel, Kang, Doom, etc.



Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Doom, all P.E.G.A.S.U.S. characters, all Bionic Avenger characters, Shuri …


On Difficulty 8, it is best to use strong Kestrel and Kang in this node because their damage is crucial. At the start of the fight, destroy the Dazzler as soon as possible, then slowly take down the others. Kestrel and Kang will do most of the work. Try to attack opponents with Defense Down because Kestrel will ping and break them up. It is (excluding node 1) the easiest node of the Trials.


Node 6 (New Avengers)

Suggested team: New Avengers if you are playing difficulty 8 or higher. Rebirth or New Avengers if you are playing difficulty 5 – 7.


Node 6 is one of the hardest because of the 2 Spider-Man (Big Time) (that spawn at the start of the fight). The great thing is that they do not have Charged On Spawn. Hit them both with the Tigra Special at the beginning of the fight, thus forcing them to play right after her and use their Ultimates. Completing this node is possible if your New Avengers can withstand those initial hits, and my 850k NA could. Focus on taking out one of the two Big Time as soon as possible, and use WARP WORLD to your advantage. When 3 Swarms come, shift your focus to them and kill at least one. Then, the opponent’s last wave will come. Focus on 2 Black Widows and with Ronin’s Special Stun Big Time. The rest will not be a problem, so try to save as many CDs as possible for node 10.

Alternatively, you could use Tigra’s Special on Yellowjacket on the far right. Tigra will chain and if she hits Big Time restart the node until she doesn’t. If you don’t hit Big Time they won’t receive bonus Speed Bar, this will allow you to use The Thing to Stun one Big Time and prevent them from using their Ultimate, so even if your New Avengers are somewhat weaker you can still clear the node this way. You can focus on taking out both Spideys and when Swarms spawn you could use Coulson’s Special, which will apply Slow to them. This will give you enough time to eliminate all of them before they take a turn. Technically there is no need to use Tigra’s Ultimate attack for this fight (it’s best to save it for the last node), just keep controlling the Speed Bar of your enemies with Mockingbird’s Ultimate or the Basics of Ronin and Coulson.


Node 7 (City Villain)

Suggested team: Black Cat, Doctor Octopus, Lizard, Vulture, Green Goblin (Classic).

Alternatives: Kraven the Hunter, Spider-Slayer, Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Mister Negative, Kingpin, Carnage, Venom …


In node 7 let MLF do her Ultimate and Stun (BC Special) one of Heartless (Bleeds should kill him). Then focus on MLF and kill her ASAP. After MLF kills Dark Beast and 2nd Heartless. Nuke Rogue and Archangel when the 2nd wave of enemies comes. Vulture Ultimate should be ready – it will help a lot with reducing the Speed ​​Bar to all opponents. Once there are only a few enemies left. Apocalypse will Spawn. Ignore him and focus on others first, then kill him. Even if he kills some of your characters, you should be good (you will not need to use them anymore, except Vulture for node 9).


Node 8 (Global Blaster)

Suggested team: Archangel, Gambit, Cyclops, Sunspot, Darkhawk

While you could also use Winter Soldier or Agent Venom here, it’s best to save them for the Rebirth nodes, use them here only if you need to prepare their cooldowns.

Alternatives: Union Jack, Bucky Barnes, Iron Man, Deathlok, Sunfire, Fantomex …


2nd Global Blaster node is not complicated. Save Archangel Ultimate for the Zemo (when he comes), and kill one Abspobring Man ASAP. Gambit and Archangel will passively kill most of the others. When Kang spawns, focus on him – that’s it. Both Global Blaster nodes are straightforward.


Node 9 (Tech)

Suggested team: Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Mysterio, Shocker, Green Goblin (Classic)

It is wise to complete one 550K run and recruit Green Goblin (Classic). Then level, improve, and use him in Tech nodes on higher score runs. Thus, all older Sinister Six characters will have additional bonuses because of having 2 Superior Six characters on the team (with the WORLD AT WAR Pact active).

If you don’t want to or don’t have the resources to do it, then it’s best to choose one (or more) of the strongest Tech characters you own with the Sinister Six team. Kestrel, Kang, Doom…


Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Doom, all P.E.G.A.S.U.S. characters, all Bionic Avenger characters, Shuri …



When starting node 9, kill Deathlok with Kang Basic at the start, and use Kestrel’s Special on Gamma and Bionic members. If she is strong enough, she will kill most of them. Red Hulk will come with a bunch of the Bionic Avengers, just use Vulture’s and Kestrel’s Ultimates on him. If you have a strong Kang, he can kill a bunch of Bionic Avengers with his Special.

When the last 4 enemies spawn (Red Hulk, Hulk, Iron Man, Hulkbuster), try to apply Defense Down on them, and Kestrel will do her job perfectly. With Kang hit the Red Hulk, and with other characters target opponents who have Defense Down. It is totally irrelevant if one of your characters happens to die as long as you can complete this node.


Node 10 (Rebirth or New Avengers)

Suggested team:New Avengers are a much better choice because of War bonuses from Trials. Depending on difficulties, maybe players end up using both teams.


A good tactic is to complete this node with two attacks if your New Avengers are around 850K. Start with the New Avengers, kill as many opponents and finish the nodes with the Rebirth team. It is crucial that The Thing has his Ultimate ready at the beginning of the fight and that he Stuns Shang Chi with it. Otherwise, Shang-Chi will blow you up.

The next important thing is that everyone survives Collen Wing Ultimate. If that doesn’t happen, restart the fight. Mockingbird will heal everyone with her Ultimate and turn the momentum to your side. So after that, focus on Squirrel Girl. Tigra’s Ultimate will put off all your opponents in a difficult position (Trauma will prevent the clearing of their debuffs).


Before the second opponent wave, try to get all Charged off Shang Chi and kill him. Save Coulson’s Special for the right moment when one of the Heroes for Hire has a lot of buffs after you trigger their Charged and pick up those buffs for your team. Try to take out Misty Knight, at least one of the two Collen Wing and Kate Bishop, before the last opponent’s wave comes.

When this happens, try to kill as many opponents as possible before all your characters die. After our first attempt only Shang Chi, Collen Wing (2 Charged), America Chavez, and Echo were still left. So you can just take in Rebirth and clear them out. It’s important to force Shang Chi to lose all of his Charged, that way he won’t be an issue for Rebirth. Others are not a big problem after he goes down.



As soon as the Event goes live we will be testing out the best ways to clear the nodes, and this page will be updated with short descriptions. Shortly after that, we will also be publishing video guides on how to complete the nodes on our YouTube channel.

We hope that with our help this will be even easier for you. If you have any questions or suggestions the best way to contact us is through our Discord:

Good luck and have fun!

Green Goblin (Classic) Trials | Marvel Church (2024)


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